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  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    8:15 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    Communitarian Approaches to Public Health Issues
    Location: Galena (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Eric J. Kim, MBE (he/him/his) – NYU Grossman School of Medicine
    Presenter: Kate Saylor, Ph.D. ((she/her/hers)) – Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
    Presenter: Timothy Shaw, Medical Student ((he/him/his)) – Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    8:15 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    Implementing Genetic Testing
    Location: Essex C (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Naomi Scheinerman, Assistant Professor – Ohio State University
    Presenter: Andrew Schildcrout, n/a ((he/him/his)) – Mayo Clinic
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    8:15 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    A Normative Justification for Health-System Led Notification of Relatives Eligible for Cascade Genetic Testing
    Location: Essex C (Fourth Floor)
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    8:15 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    At Your Cervix: Transforming OBGYN Pedagogy & Informed Consent in Medical Education
    Location: Essex AB (Fourth Floor)
    Moderator: A’magine Goddard, MA (she/they) – At Your Cervix
    Presenter: Ari Silver-Isenstadt, MD, MSEd – Georgetown University
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    8:15 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    Beyond Coverage: A Luck Egalitarian Argument for Making Orphan Drugs Affordable
    Location: Galena (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Eric J. Kim, MBE (he/him/his) – NYU Grossman School of Medicine
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    8:15 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    Ethical Considerations for the Universal Genetic Testing of Cancer Patients
    Location: Essex C (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Andrew Schildcrout, n/a ((he/him/his)) – Mayo Clinic
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    8:15 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    Genetics and Democracy: Deliberative Mini-Publics and GMO Decision-Making
    Location: Essex C (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Naomi Scheinerman, Assistant Professor – Ohio State University
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    8:15 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    Justice and the Tragedy of the Commons: Addressing the Antimicrobial Resistance Crisis
    Location: Galena (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Timothy Shaw, Medical Student ((he/him/his)) – Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine at UNLV
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    8:15 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    Measuring and correcting for the moral dilemma of cost-effectiveness and disadvantaged populations
    Location: Galena (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Kate Saylor, Ph.D. ((she/her/hers)) – Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    8:15 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    Revisiting Convalescent Plasma – Again: Ethical Stewardship of Immunology’s “Holy Grail”
    Location: Dover AB (Third Floor)
    Moderator: Alen Agaronov, ScD (he/him/his) – NYU Grossman School of Medicine
    Presenter: Arturo Casadevall, MD, PhD ((he/him/his)) – Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health / Johns Hopkins School of Medicine,
    Presenter: Chaim M. Lebovits – The CSL Group Inc
    Presenter: Craig M. Klugman, PHD,MA ((he/him/his)) – DePaul University
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    9:45 AM – 11:00 AM ET
    Value or Villain? Balancing gene therapy patient access and financial challenges
    Location: Iron (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Meghan Halley, PHD,MPH – Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics
    Presenter: Hadley Stevens Smith, PhD, MPSA – Harvard Medical School and Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute
    Presenter: Mark Trusheim, MS – Tufts Medical Center
    Presenter: Ryan Fischer, BA – Foundation for Angelman Syndrome Therapeutics
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    2:30 PM – 3:45 PM ET
    Informed Consent
    Location: Essex C (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Nadia N. Sawicki, JD,MBE – Loyola University Chicago
    Presenter: Preya S. Tarsney, HEC-C,JD ((she/her/hers)) – Shirley Ryan AbilityLab
    Presenter: Evelyn M. Tenenbaum, JD (she/her/hers) – Albany Law School, Albany Medical College
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    2:30 PM – 3:45 PM ET
    Perspectives on the Business of Health
    Location: Atlantic (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Ariadne Nichol, BA – Stanford School of Medicine
    Presenter: Matthew McCoy, PHD – University of Pennsylvania
    Presenter: Anna Wexler, PhD
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    2:30 PM – 3:45 PM ET
    "Where you stand depends on where you sit": Navigating medical aid in dying across state lines
    Location: Laurel AB (Fourth Floor)
    Moderator: Liz Blackler, MBE,LCSW,HEC-C (she/her/hers) – Memorial Sloan Kettering
    Presenter: Yesne Alici, MD (she/her/hers) – Memorial Sloan Kettering
    Presenter: Cindy Bruzzese, MPA, MSB, HEC-C (she/her/hers) – Vermont Ethics Network & University of Vermont Medical Center
    Presenter: Danielle J. Doberman, MD, MPH, HMDC, FAAHPM – Johns Hopkins
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    2:30 PM – 3:45 PM ET
    Direct-to-Consumer Laboratory Tests: An Empirical Assessment of Companies’ Policies
    Location: Atlantic (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Anna Wexler, PhD
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    2:30 PM – 3:45 PM ET
    Ethical Issues Facing Medical Venture Philanthropies
    Location: Atlantic (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Matthew McCoy, PHD – University of Pennsylvania
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    2:30 PM – 3:45 PM ET
    Ethicists as Advocates in the Case Against AMA Discharges
    Location: Essex C (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Preya S. Tarsney, HEC-C,JD ((she/her/hers)) – Shirley Ryan AbilityLab
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    2:30 PM – 3:45 PM ET
    Facilitating value considerations in design of machine learning-based tools for precision medicine
    Location: Atlantic (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Ariadne Nichol, BA – Stanford School of Medicine
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    2:30 PM – 3:45 PM ET
    Finding Balance Between Professional Integrity and Patient Centered Care: Creating Inclusive Spaces in Situations of Conscientious Objection
    Location: Galena (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Andrea Frolic, PHD ((she/her/hers)) – Hamilton Health Sciences
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    2:30 PM – 3:45 PM ET
    Solutions to Informed Consent and Coercion Issues Related to Split Liver Transplants
    Location: Essex C (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Evelyn M. Tenenbaum, JD (she/her/hers) – Albany Law School, Albany Medical College
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    2:30 PM – 3:45 PM ET
    The Politics of Informed Consent
    Location: Essex C (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Nadia N. Sawicki, JD,MBE – Loyola University Chicago
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    2:30 PM – 3:45 PM ET
    Top 10 Legal Developments in Bioethics and Public Health
    Location: Harborside Ballroom (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Arthur R. Derse, MD, JD – Medical College of Wisconsin
    Presenter: Paul Lombardo, JD, PhD – Center for Law Health and Society
    Presenter: Thaddeus M. Pope, JD, PhD – Mitchell Hamline University School of Law
    Presenter: Valerie Gutmann Koch, JD – University of Houston Law Center
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    4:00 PM – 5:15 PM ET
    AI in Practice
    Location: Falkland (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Amitabha Palmer, PHD,HEC-C ((he/him/his)) – MD Anderson Cancer Center
    Presenter: Margaret P. Battin, PhD MFA – University of Utah
    Presenter: Austin M. Stroud, MA – Mayo Clinic
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    4:00 PM – 5:15 PM ET
    COVID and Vulnerable Populations
    Location: Galena (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Audrey Funwie, MBE ((she/her/hers)) – Johns Hopkins University
    Presenter: Craig M. Klugman, PHD,MA ((he/him/his)) – DePaul University
    Presenter: Leah Pierson, BA ((she/her/hers)) – Harvard University
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    4:00 PM – 5:15 PM ET
    Post-Dobbs Decisionmaking
    Location: Laurel CD (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Hannah V. Carpenter, MA, LLB ((she/her/hers)) – The University of Texas Medical Branch
    Presenter: Lori Bruce, MA, MBE, HEC-C – Yale University
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    4:00 PM – 5:15 PM ET
    Access vs The Human Element of Care: Ethical Challenges for AI Chatbots in Mental Healthcare
    Location: Falkland (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Amitabha Palmer, PHD,HEC-C ((he/him/his)) – MD Anderson Cancer Center
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    4:00 PM – 5:15 PM ET
    End-Of-Life Decisions and Pregnancy: Post-Dobbs Sanctioned Death Sentences
    Location: Laurel CD (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Hannah V. Carpenter, MA, LLB ((she/her/hers)) – The University of Texas Medical Branch
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    4:00 PM – 5:15 PM ET
    Ethically Operationalizing Professional Discretion through an Ecological Structures of Virtue Approach
    Location: Atlantic (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Anna Meurer, MPH, PhD(c) (she/her/hers) – The Ohio State University
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    4:00 PM – 5:15 PM ET
    Infant Abandonment Laws in a post-Roe America
    Location: Laurel CD (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Lori Bruce, MA, MBE, HEC-C – Yale University
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    4:00 PM – 5:15 PM ET
    Next Time Around: Federal Recommendations for Improving Pandemic Response
    Location: Galena (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Craig M. Klugman, PHD,MA ((he/him/his)) – DePaul University
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    4:00 PM – 5:15 PM ET
    “Not Parent Expected,” Now What?: Consumer Genetic Testing Experiences, Ethical Challenges, and Opportunities
    Location: Laurel AB (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Christi Guerrini, JD, MPH – Baylor College of Medicine
    Presenter: Olivia Schuman, PhD, HEC-C – University of Louisville and Norton Healthcare
    Presenter: Michele Grethel, PhD, LCSW – University of Southern California Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work
    Presenter: Brianne Kirkpatrick, MS, LCGC – 23andMe; Watershed DNA
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    4:00 PM – 5:15 PM ET
    Rethinking public engagement in health care priority setting
    Location: Galena (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Leah Pierson, BA ((she/her/hers)) – Harvard University
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    4:00 PM – 5:15 PM ET
    Rights Considerations Surrounding Surrogate Decision-Making in Guardianships
    Location: Iron (Fourth Floor)
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    4:00 PM – 5:15 PM ET
    Location: Galena (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Audrey Funwie, MBE ((she/her/hers)) – Johns Hopkins University
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    4:00 PM – 5:15 PM ET
    The Minority Report: Is Big-Data Suicide Risk Prediction Something We Should Want?
    Location: Falkland (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Margaret P. Battin, PhD MFA – University of Utah
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    8:00 AM – 9:15 AM ET
    A National Study of Organizational Ethics: Understanding the Practical World of Ethicists in the Organizational Context
    Location: Harborside Ballroom (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Kelly Turner, MA ((she/her/hers)) – Saint Louis University
    Moderator: Timothy Lahey, MD, MMSc, HEC-C ((he/him/his)) – University of Vermont Medical Center
    Presenter: William Nelson, MDiv, PhD – Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth University
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    8:00 AM – 9:15 AM ET
    Into Routine Practice?: Insights from Botswana TB Stakeholders on the Ethics of Hypothetically Scaling Up Whole Genome Sequencing into Botswana’s TB Program
    Location: Essex C (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Stephen Molldrem, PhD ((he/him/his)) – The University of Texas Medical Branch
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    8:00 AM – 9:15 AM ET
    The Fairness Dialogues Field Laboratory (FairLab)
    Location: Essex C (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Yukiko Asada, PHD – National Institutes of Health
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    8:00 AM – 9:15 AM ET
    To sex or not to sex, that is the question: A comparative analysis of five western democracies’ legal frameworks for elective sex-based selection of embryos.
    Location: Laurel AB (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Whitny M. Braun de Lobatón, PHD,MPH ((she/her/hers)) – Loma Linda University
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    8:00 AM – 9:15 AM ET
    We Have a Code of Ethics? Why Organizational Codes of Ethics are Important and How to Make them Better
    Location: Dover AB (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Molly Sinderbrand, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Pennsylvania
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    9:30 AM – 10:45 AM ET
    Allocation of Scarce Medical Resources
    Location: Laurel CD (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Kirsten Riggan, MA, MS – Mayo Clinic
    Presenter: Jennifer Tillman, PHD ((she/her/hers)) – University of San Diego
    Presenter: Jordan Joseph Wadden, MA, PhD, HEC-C (he/him/his) – Unity Health Toronto | Scarborough Health Network
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    9:30 AM – 10:45 AM ET
    Navigating Stigma and (Mis)Perception in Public Discourse
    Location: Atlantic (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Armand H. Matheny Antommaria, MD, PhD – Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center; University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
    Presenter: Saskia Hendriks, MD, PHD ((she/her/hers)) – National Institutes of Health
    Presenter: Sean Riley, MSc, MA – The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    9:30 AM – 10:45 AM ET
    Policy and Law Flash Session
    Location: Essex AB (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Kara Ayers, PhD ((she/her/hers)) – Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
    Presenter: Whitney Bash Brooks, MPH ((she/her/hers)) – Baylor College of Medicine
    Presenter: Aulina Chowdhury, DO,MA,MS ((she/her/hers)) – Boston Children's Hospital
    Presenter: Joshua Faber, MD – New York Presbyterian Hospital
    Presenter: Grayson Holt, N/a – Case Western Reserve University
    Presenter: Sheethal Jose, BA, BS (she/her/hers) – Johns Hopkins University
    Presenter: Molly Sinderbrand, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Pennsylvania
    Presenter: Basel Tarab, M.D., M.H.A ((he/him/his)) – Winchester Hospital
    Presenter: Sophia Wasti, MA ((she/her/hers)) – Yonsei University
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    9:30 AM – 10:45 AM ET
    A Scoping Review of Health AI Controversies in the Grey Literature from 2013-2022
    Location: Essex AB (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Joshua Faber, MD – New York Presbyterian Hospital
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    9:30 AM – 10:45 AM ET
    Addressing Restriction on Gender-Affirming Medical Care in New Spaces: State Houses and Courtrooms
    Location: Atlantic (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Armand H. Matheny Antommaria, MD, PhD – Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center; University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    9:30 AM – 10:45 AM ET
    Amend Notes as the Next Frontier of the Open Notes Movement
    Location: Essex AB (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Grayson Holt, N/a – Case Western Reserve University
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    9:30 AM – 10:45 AM ET
    Beyond effects on the users: the US public thinks neuroenhancement policy should consider justice and societal impact
    Location: Atlantic (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Saskia Hendriks, MD, PHD ((she/her/hers)) – National Institutes of Health
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    9:30 AM – 10:45 AM ET
    Coercive contraception and sterilization of people with disabilities sanctioned by systemic ableism in healthcare and payer systems
    Location: Essex AB (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Kara Ayers, PhD ((she/her/hers)) – Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    9:30 AM – 10:45 AM ET
    Disability and Civil Rights: Ethical Failures During Crisis Standards of Care
    Location: Laurel CD (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Jennifer Tillman, PHD ((she/her/hers)) – University of San Diego
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    9:30 AM – 10:45 AM ET
    Earthquakes and Staffing Shortages: Recommendations for Disability-Informed Hospital Triage Protocols
    Location: Laurel CD (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Jordan Joseph Wadden, MA, PhD, HEC-C (he/him/his) – Unity Health Toronto | Scarborough Health Network
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    9:30 AM – 10:45 AM ET
    Ethical and Legal Challenges in Nanomedical Innovations
    Location: Essex AB (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Sophia Wasti, MA ((she/her/hers)) – Yonsei University
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    9:30 AM – 10:45 AM ET
    Health professionals’ beliefs in genetic determinism and their perspectives on the ethics of using COVID-19 host genomic information for decision-making during the pandemic
    Location: Essex AB (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Sheethal Jose, BA, BS (she/her/hers) – Johns Hopkins University
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    9:30 AM – 10:45 AM ET
    How Were Scarce Resource Allocation Plans Developed During COVID-19?
    Location: Laurel CD (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Kirsten Riggan, MA, MS – Mayo Clinic
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    9:30 AM – 10:45 AM ET
    Public Perceptions on Law Enforcement Use of Investigative Genetic Genealogy (IGG): Results from a Choice Experiment
    Location: Essex AB (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Whitney Bash Brooks, MPH ((she/her/hers)) – Baylor College of Medicine
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    9:30 AM – 10:45 AM ET
    The fentanyl vaccine moonshot: navigating the ethics of the development and distribution of a novel vaccine
    Location: Atlantic (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Sean Riley, MSc, MA – The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    9:30 AM – 10:45 AM ET
    Toward the Ethical Provision of Patient Complaint and Grievance System
    Location: Essex AB (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Basel Tarab, M.D., M.H.A ((he/him/his)) – Winchester Hospital
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    9:30 AM – 10:45 AM ET
    What is Organizational Bioethics?
    Location: Essex AB (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Molly Sinderbrand, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Pennsylvania
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    3:15 PM – 4:30 PM ET
    Vaccines, Disinformation and Trust
    Location: Iron (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Kiarash Aramesh, MD,PHD ((he/him/his)) – University of Western Pennsylvania (pennwest)
    Presenter: Hajung Lee, Phd, JD, MBE ((she/her/hers)) – University of Puget Sound
    Presenter: Leah Z. Rand, DPhil – Brigham and Women's Hospital
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    3:15 PM – 4:30 PM ET
    Breaking It Down to Build It Up: Understanding Trust in the US Food and Drug Administration
    Location: Iron (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Leah Z. Rand, DPhil – Brigham and Women's Hospital
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    3:15 PM – 4:30 PM ET
    Can Non-Profit Healthcare be Saved? A Tale of Two Narratives
    Location: Laurel AB (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Mark G. Kuczewski, PhD, HEC-C (he/him/his) – LUC Stritch School of Medicine
    Presenter: Andrew Jager, D. Bioethics ((he/him/his)) – American Hospital Association
    Moderator: Katherine Wasson, PHD,MPH,HEC-C ((she/her/hers)) – Loyola University Chicago
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    3:15 PM – 4:30 PM ET
    How to Create Fair Procedures of Reviewing Applications for Religious Exemptions to the Covid Vaccine Mandates and Communicate Clear and Equitable Guidelines to the Public
    Location: Iron (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Hajung Lee, Phd, JD, MBE ((she/her/hers)) – University of Puget Sound
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    3:15 PM – 4:30 PM ET
    How to Deal with Health Disinformation in an Inclusive Public Discourse: Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic
    Location: Iron (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Kiarash Aramesh, MD,PHD ((he/him/his)) – University of Western Pennsylvania (pennwest)
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    5:00 PM – 6:15 PM ET
    Advance Care Planning
    Location: Kent A-C (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Keren Ladin, PhD, MS ((she/her/hers)) – Tufts University
    Presenter: Tina Nguyen, PhD – University of Texas Medical Branch
    Presenter: Nico Nortje, PHD,MA,MPhil,HEC-C – University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    5:00 PM – 6:15 PM ET
    Novel Technologies
    Location: Iron (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Katie R. Baughman, MD, MA ((she/her/hers)) – University of Michigan
    Presenter: Jonathan Lewis, PHD,MA,MA (Cantab) ((he/him/his)) – The University of Manchester
    Presenter: Jack Noto, Medical Student – Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    5:00 PM – 6:15 PM ET
    Research ethics
    Location: Chasseur (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Kirstin RW Matthews, PhD (she/her/hers) – Rice University
    Presenter: Jaime O'Brien, MS ((she/her/hers)) – University of Massachusetts Lowell
    Presenter: Maxwell J. Smith, PHD, MS (he/him/his) – Western University
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    5:00 PM – 6:15 PM ET
    ACP Conversations - A system-wide implementation plan
    Location: Kent A-C (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Nico Nortje, PHD,MA,MPhil,HEC-C – University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    5:00 PM – 6:15 PM ET
    Addressing Regulatory Gaps and Uncertainties for New and Emerging Biotechnologies: The Case of Organoids
    Location: Iron (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Jonathan Lewis, PHD,MA,MA (Cantab) ((he/him/his)) – The University of Manchester
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    5:00 PM – 6:15 PM ET
    Bioethics in Community Health
    Location: Laurel AB (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Carolyn Neuhaus, PHD ((she/her/hers)) – The Hastings Center
    Presenter: Aashna Lal, BA ((she/her/hers)) – The Hastings Center
    Presenter: Johanna Crane, PhD (she/her/hers) – Alden March Bioethics Institute, Albany Medical College
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    5:00 PM – 6:15 PM ET
    Of Mice and Men (…and Ferrets and Bats): The Evolution of Gain of Function Research in the Age of COVID-19
    Location: Chasseur (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Jaime O'Brien, MS ((she/her/hers)) – University of Massachusetts Lowell
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    5:00 PM – 6:15 PM ET
    Research ethics review during the COVID-19 pandemic: An international study
    Location: Chasseur (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Maxwell J. Smith, PHD, MS (he/him/his) – Western University
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    5:00 PM – 6:15 PM ET
    Transparency in Controversial Research: Human Embryo Research Oversight
    Location: Chasseur (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Kirstin RW Matthews, PhD (she/her/hers) – Rice University
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    7:30 AM – 8:45 AM ET
    Medical Aid in Dying
    Location: Bristol (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Sean Riley, MSc, MA – The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
    Presenter: Ben Sarbey, JD,MA – Duke University
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    7:30 AM – 8:45 AM ET
    Children with complex chronic conditions; a neglected group in public policy decisions? Lessons learned from the pandemic in the UK and US context
    Location: Heron (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Sapfo Lignou, PhD ((she/her/hers)) – University of Oxford
    Presenter: Yoram Unguru, MD, MS, MA, HEC-C – The Herman and Walter Samuelson Children's Hospital at Sinai and Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics
    Presenter: Rebecca Seltzer, MD MHS – Johns Hopkins University
    Presenter: Jeff Jones, BA, MBE – Johns Hopkins University
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    7:30 AM – 8:45 AM ET
    Harming Dying Patients as a Legal Requirement
    Location: Bristol (Third Floor)
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    7:30 AM – 8:45 AM ET
    Identifying gaps and inconsistencies in the data collection and public reporting of Medical Assistance-in-Dying: a directed content analysis
    Location: Bristol (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Sean Riley, MSc, MA – The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    7:30 AM – 8:45 AM ET
    MAiD in Canada: Assisted Dying and Vulnerable Populations
    Location: Bristol (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Ben Sarbey, JD,MA – Duke University
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    9:00 AM – 10:15 AM ET
    Health Data Privacy
    Location: Essex C (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Leah R. Fowler, JD,MPH ((she/her/hers)) – University of Houston Law Center
    Presenter: Kristin Kostick, PhD – Baylor College of Medicine
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    9:00 AM – 10:15 AM ET
    A Novel Solution to Find Decision-Makers for Unrepresented Patients: Creating A Volunteer Health Care Agent Matching Program
    Location: Harborside Ballroom (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: David N. Sontag, JD, MBE, HEC-C (he/him/his) – Beth Israel Lahey Health
    Presenter: Debra Sylvester, DNP, APC-G ((she/her/hers)) – Commonwealth Care Alliance
    Presenter: Wayne S. Saltsman, MD, PhD, CMD, AGSF ((he/him/his)) – All Care VNA, Hospice and Palliative Care
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    9:00 AM – 10:15 AM ET
    Confronting Financial Toxicity: The Economics and Ethics of Cancer Care
    Location: Laurel CD (Fourth Floor)
    Moderator: Amy E. Scharf, MA,MBE ((she/her/hers)) – Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
    Presenter: Barbra Rothschild, MD – Columbia University, School of Professional Studies
    Presenter: Leonard Saltz, MD – Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
    Presenter: Robin Yabroff, PhD, MBA – American Cancer Society
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    9:00 AM – 10:15 AM ET
    Healthcare Executives are all Talking about Value Based Purchasing. Who is Talking About Its Ethics?!
    Location: Heron (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: HUNTER E. CANTRELL, BS – University of Minnesota Medical School (Twin Cities)
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    9:00 AM – 10:15 AM ET
    Human vs. Machine: Artificial Intelligence-Based Prognostication in End-of-Life and Palliative Care
    Location: Waterview CD (Lobby Level)
    Presenter: Ahmed Alasmar, B.S. (he/him/his) – University of Colorado
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    9:00 AM – 10:15 AM ET
    Methods for multi-stakeholder deliberation of ethical dilemmas of access to expensive cancer treatments
    Location: Galena (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Eline M. Bunnik, PhD (she/her/hers) – Erasmus MC
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    9:00 AM – 10:15 AM ET
    NFT Your Health Data: What are the Ethical Implications?
    Location: Essex C (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Kristin Kostick, PhD – Baylor College of Medicine
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    9:00 AM – 10:15 AM ET
    Privacy’s Empty Promises: Comparing Health App Privacy Policies and Advertisements and Data Sharing Practices
    Location: Essex C (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Leah R. Fowler, JD,MPH ((she/her/hers)) – University of Houston Law Center
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    10:30 AM – 11:45 AM ET
    Connecting the Dots: Collective Trauma, Trauma Informed Care, and Social Justice
    Location: Laurel CD (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Elizabeth Lanphier, PhD, MS, HEC-C (she/her/hers) – Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
    Presenter: Uchenna E. Anani, MD (she/her/hers) – Vanderbilt University Medical Center
    Presenter: Brian Tuohy
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    1:15 PM – 2:30 PM ET
    Patient-Provider Relationship
    Location: Atlantic (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Katherine L. Goodman, MSN RN – CommonSpirit
    Presenter: Christen O. Paradissis, MBE, RN – University of Utah
    Presenter: Isabel O'Sullivan, BA ((she/her/hers)) – University of Michigan
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    1:15 PM – 2:30 PM ET
    Providers & Legal Limits to Access
    Location: Chasseur (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Stephen Couch, MAGL, ACC (he/him/his) – Children's Health System of Texas
    Presenter: Mark C. Navin, PhD, HEC-C – Oakland University
    Presenter: Rebecca Feinberg, JD, MBE, MS – DePaul University
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    1:15 PM – 2:30 PM ET
    Against the Referral Asymmetry: Leveling-up Referral-Related Conscience Protections
    Location: Chasseur (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Mark C. Navin, PhD, HEC-C – Oakland University
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    1:15 PM – 2:30 PM ET
    Borders & Abortion: Using Federal Land within Abortion Restrictive States
    Location: Chasseur (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Rebecca Feinberg, JD, MBE, MS – DePaul University
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    1:15 PM – 2:30 PM ET
    How to Conduct an Organizational Ethics Consultation
    Location: Harborside Ballroom (Fourth Floor)
    Moderator: Denise M. Dudzinski, PHD, HEC-C (she/her/hers) – Univ of Washington School of Medicine
    Presenter: Emily Berkman, MD, MA (she/her/hers) – Seattle Children's Hospital
    Presenter: James Kirkpatrick, MD, FASE, FACC ((he/him/his)) – University of Washington School of Medicine
    Presenter: Eunice Soh, PhD, MSN, MPH, FNP-C (she/her/hers) – Seattle Children's
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    1:15 PM – 2:30 PM ET
    Run, hide, secure, preserve, or fight? Unpacking our Ethical Obligations during an Active Shooter Incident
    Location: Atlantic (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Katherine L. Goodman, MSN RN – CommonSpirit
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    1:15 PM – 2:30 PM ET
    The Case for Triadic Trust: Nurses, Patients, & Institutions
    Location: Atlantic (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Christen O. Paradissis, MBE, RN – University of Utah
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    1:15 PM – 2:30 PM ET
    When We Decide For You: Assessing the Impact of Binding Decisions in Pediatrics and the Future of the Texas Advance Directives Act
    Location: Chasseur (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Stephen Couch, MAGL, ACC (he/him/his) – Children's Health System of Texas
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    1:15 PM – 2:30 PM ET
    Whose patient are they anyway? Applying the obligation of nonabandonment to the management of patients with functional seizures
    Location: Atlantic (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Isabel O'Sullivan, BA ((she/her/hers)) – University of Michigan
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics