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  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    8:15 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    Ethical Issues in the NICU
    Location: Dover C (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Aaron Goldenberg, PHD,MPH ((he/him/his)) – Case Western Reserve University School of Medecine
    Presenter: Beatrice Lechner, MD ((she/her/hers)) – Women & Infants Hospital/Brown University
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    8:15 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    Addressing Racism and Achieving Equity in Bioethics Programs: Reality and Recommendations
    Location: Grand Ballroom 3-4 (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Yolonda Wilson, PhD – St. Louis University
    Presenter: Sandra Soo-Jin Lee, PhD (she/her/hers) – Columbia University
    Presenter: Nancy Berlinger, Ph.D., MDiv – The Hastings Center
    Presenter: Sarah Raskoff, PhD – Vanderbilt University
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    8:15 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    Moving Forward from the Past with Equity, Inclusion and Cultural Humility: Contemporizing the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Family Centered Care Model
    Location: Dover C (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Beatrice Lechner, MD ((she/her/hers)) – Women & Infants Hospital/Brown University
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    8:15 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    Responding to Patients Who Manifest Prejudice Towards Clinicians: A Dialogue with the Audience
    Location: Waterview CD (Lobby Level)
    Presenter: Michael Andreae, MD (he/him/his) – University of Utah
    Presenter: Anita Fernander, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of New Mexico
    Presenter: Monica Peek, MD – University of Chicago
    Presenter: Rosamond Rhodes, PhD ((she/her/hers)) – Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    8:15 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    Sequencing at Birth: Neglected Ethical and Equity Issues in Genomic Screening of Newborns
    Location: Dover C (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Aaron Goldenberg, PHD,MPH ((he/him/his)) – Case Western Reserve University School of Medecine
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    8:15 AM – 9:30 AM ET
    The impact of clinical algorithms on racial and ethnic disparities - findings from a systematic review, and critical discussion of policy options and value tradeoffs
    Location: Laurel AB (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Kelley Tipton, MPH – ECRI-Penn Medicine Evidence-based Practice Center
    Presenter: Harald Schmidt, PhD, MA – University of Pennsylvania
    Presenter: Shazia M. Siddique, MD, MSHP (she/her/hers) – University of Pennsylvania
    Presenter: Jaya Aysola
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    9:45 AM – 11:00 AM ET
    Moving towards more equitable systems in bioethics and healthcare
    Location: Bristol (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Seoyeon Cho, J.D. ((she/her/hers)) – Wake Forest University Graduate School
    Presenter: Carina Fourie, PhD ((she/her/hers)) – University of Washington
    Presenter: Stephen Molldrem, PhD ((he/him/his)) – The University of Texas Medical Branch
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    9:45 AM – 11:00 AM ET
    Reckoning with Eugenics and Sterilization Policy
    Location: Chasseur (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Kavita Arora, MD,MBE,MS (she/her/hers) – University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
    Presenter: Charlene Galarneau, PHD, MAR (she/her/hers) – Harvard Medical School. Center for Bioethics
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    9:45 AM – 11:00 AM ET
    Clinical Ethics Consultations within the Incarcerated Population: A Single Center Retrospective Review
    Location: Essex C (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Yena Kang, BA ((she/her/hers)) – University of Michigan
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    9:45 AM – 11:00 AM ET
    Conserving Personhood: Meaning, Experience, and Regret in Intersex-affirming Healthcare
    Location: Waterview AB (Lobby Level)
    Presenter: Elizabeth Reis, PhD (she/her/hers) – Macaulay Honors College, The City University of New York
    Presenter: Jacob D. Moses, PhD ((he/him/his)) – University of Texas Medical Branch
    Presenter: Debra Carroll-Beight, MA,MSPH (she/her/hers) – Case Western Reserve University
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    9:45 AM – 11:00 AM ET
    Disruptive Health
    Location: Bristol (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Carina Fourie, PhD ((she/her/hers)) – University of Washington
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    9:45 AM – 11:00 AM ET
    Hogs, Humans, and the Environment: Expanding upon and emphasizing the importance of “One Health” by looking at the industrial hog farms of North Carolina
    Location: Bristol (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Seoyeon Cho, J.D. ((she/her/hers)) – Wake Forest University Graduate School
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    9:45 AM – 11:00 AM ET
    Patient perspectives on Medicaid sterilization policy
    Location: Chasseur (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Kavita Arora, MD,MBE,MS (she/her/hers) – University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    9:45 AM – 11:00 AM ET
    Social determinants in action: An innovative bioethics course provides a practical roadmap to promote equity
    Location: Grand Ballroom 3-4 (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Lori Bruce, MA, MBE, HEC-C – Yale University
    Moderator: Lena Hatchett, PhD – Loyola University Chicago
    Presenter: Elizabeth Torkington, BSN, RN, PHN – Tiburcio Vasquez Health Center
    Presenter: Jennifer Legardy-Williams, MPH, CCRP – Loyola University Chicago
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    9:45 AM – 11:00 AM ET
    Toward Left-Bioethics: From Public Deliberation to Social Democratic Transformation
    Location: Bristol (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Stephen Molldrem, PhD ((he/him/his)) – The University of Texas Medical Branch
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    9:45 AM – 11:00 AM ET
    U.S Eugenics, Reckoning Lessons, and Bioethics
    Location: Chasseur (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Charlene Galarneau, PHD, MAR (she/her/hers) – Harvard Medical School. Center for Bioethics
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    2:30 PM – 3:45 PM ET
    Disadvantage indices as a way of operationalizing intersectionality in health equity: taking stock and next steps.
    Location: Waterview AB (Lobby Level)
    Presenter: Harald Schmidt, PhD, MA – University of Pennsylvania
    Presenter: Susan Dorr Goold, MD,MA, MHSA – University of Michigan
    Presenter: Ruqaiijah Yearby, JD, MPH (she/her/hers) – The Ohio State University
    Presenter: Dana Hargunani, MD, MPH (she/her/hers) – Oregon Health Authority
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    4:00 PM – 5:15 PM ET
    Empowering Clinicians to Advocate for Incarcerated Patients
    Location: Waterview AB (Lobby Level)
    Presenter: Nicholas V. Nguyen, BA (he/him/his) – Mayo Clinic
    Presenter: Erin DeMartino, MD – Mayo Clinic
    Presenter: Gwenyth Day, MD – University of Colorado Division of Pulmonary Sciences and Critical Care Medicine
    Presenter: Gabriel Eber, JD, MPH, CCHP – Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    4:00 PM – 5:15 PM ET
    The unveiling: Exposing and dismantling racism, a personal and professional journey
    Location: Waterview CD (Lobby Level)
    Presenter: Kara Curry, MA,RN,HEC-C ((she/her/hers)) – American Nurses Assoc
    Moderator: Stacy Smith, MA, MLS, BSN, RN, HEC-C – American Nurses Association Ethics Advisory Board
    Presenter: Danisha Jenkins, PhD, RN, CCRN, NEA-BC – ANA Center for Ethics and Human Rights
    Presenter: Nikki Akparewa, MSN, MPH, RN (she/her/hers) – Diversity Inclusion
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Thursday, Oct 12th
    4:00 PM – 5:15 PM ET
    Using disadvantage indices to promote health equity in scarce resource allocation: Legality, degree, and culpability
    Location: Harborside Ballroom (Fourth Floor)
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    8:00 AM – 9:15 AM ET
    Clinical Ethics Practice II
    Location: Falkland (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Katherine Feder, MD,MS,HEC-C ((she/her/hers)) – Yale New Haven Hospital
    Presenter: Joseph P. Swindeman, MA – Saint Louis University
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    8:00 AM – 9:15 AM ET
    Engaging the Past in Neonatal Bioethics: How Lessons over Time Can Guide Advocacy, Societal Change, and Equity in the Future
    Location: Waterview AB (Lobby Level)
    Presenter: Jeanne Krick, MD, MA (she/her/hers) – Brooke Army Medical Center
    Presenter: Uchenna E. Anani, MD (she/her/hers) – Vanderbilt University Medical Center
    Presenter: Stephanie Kukora, MD ((she/her/hers)) – Children's Mercy Kansas City
    Presenter: Nancy Kuemin, JD (she/her/hers) – Michigan Medicine
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    8:00 AM – 9:15 AM ET
    Exploring Empathy; Re-Framing how we Connect with Others During Clinical Ethics Consultations
    Location: Falkland (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Katherine Feder, MD,MS,HEC-C ((she/her/hers)) – Yale New Haven Hospital
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    9:30 AM – 10:45 AM ET
    Towards Equitable and Just Applications of AI/ML in Healthcare
    Location: Iron (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Kellie Owens, PhD ((she/her/hers)) – NYU Grossman School of Medicine
    Presenter: Alice Story, PhD, MPH – Baylor College of Medicine
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    9:30 AM – 10:45 AM ET
    Addressing the Unique Healthcare Needs of Justice-Involved Individuals through Medical Education
    Location: Chasseur (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Gabriella Vanaken, BS ((she/her/hers)) – University of Michigan Medical School
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    9:30 AM – 10:45 AM ET
    Building Equitable and Effective Systems of Maintenance and Repair for Health AI
    Location: Iron (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Kellie Owens, PhD ((she/her/hers)) – NYU Grossman School of Medicine
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    9:30 AM – 10:45 AM ET
    Clinical ethics as an important space for reflective engagement with racism in medicine: Evaluating the role of patient race and primary language in clinical ethics consultation
    Location: Bristol (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Krishna A. Chokshi, MD,MS ((she/her/hers)) – Mount Sinai Hospital
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    9:30 AM – 10:45 AM ET
    Exemptions and Exceptionalism in Transgender and Intersex Healthcare
    Location: Grand Ballroom 3-4 (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Jacob D. Moses, PhD ((he/him/his)) – University of Texas Medical Branch
    Presenter: Elizabeth Reis, PhD (she/her/hers) – Macaulay Honors College, The City University of New York
    Presenter: Lisa Campo-Engelstein, PhD – University of Texas Medical Branch
    Presenter: Theodore Schall, PhD, MSW, MBE (he/him/his) – University of Massachusetts Amherst
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    9:30 AM – 10:45 AM ET
    Utilizing machine learning to advance maternal health outcomes among Black women: ethical and equity considerations
    Location: Iron (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Alice Story, PhD, MPH – Baylor College of Medicine
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    3:15 PM – 4:30 PM ET
    Envisioning New Models for Equitably Addressing Disability and Brain Death
    Location: Heron (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Amanda Hine, MA, PHD, HEC-C (Amanda Hine,) – Regis Univeristy
    Presenter: Spencer Schmid, MD/PhD student ((he/him/his)) – Saint Louis University
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    3:15 PM – 4:30 PM ET
    Leveraging Voice as a Biomarker: Ethical and Legal Considerations in Developing Trustworthy Voice AI Technology
    Location: Waterview AB (Lobby Level)
    Presenter: Hortense Gallois, M.A., M.L. ((she/her/hers)) – Université de Montréal, School of Public Health
    Presenter: Ruth Bahr, PhD – University of South Florida, Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders, College of Behavioral and Community Sciences
    Presenter: Gavin Victor, BA – Simon Fraser University, Faculty of Arts
    Presenter: Alexander Bernier, J.D., LL.M. – University of Toronto, Faculty of Law
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    3:15 PM – 4:30 PM ET
    Neurological disorder, non-speaking intellectual disability, and patient-centered communication: shortcomings of an autonomy-centric model
    Location: Heron (Fourth Floor)
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    3:15 PM – 4:30 PM ET
    Opportunities for What? Critically Examining Capitalist Constraints on Medicine's Conception of the "Good Life" for Disabled Patients
    Location: Heron (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Spencer Schmid, MD/PhD student ((he/him/his)) – Saint Louis University
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    3:15 PM – 4:30 PM ET
    The Future of Brain Death: Epistemic Equality Through Inclusive Policy
    Location: Heron (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Amanda Hine, MA, PHD, HEC-C (Amanda Hine,) – Regis Univeristy
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    5:00 PM – 6:15 PM ET
    Bias and Disparities in Clinical Medicine & Ethics
    Location: Laurel CD (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Joseph P. Shapiro, MD,HEC-C ((he/him/his)) – Boston Medical Center
    Presenter: John H. Brems, MD,MBE ((he/him/his)) – Johns Hopkins University
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    5:00 PM – 6:15 PM ET
    Mad Studies and Ethics
    Location: Essex C (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Lee de Bie, PHD,BSW ((they/them/theirs)) – Unity Health Toronto
    Presenter: Kriszta Sajber, PHD ((she/her/hers)) – University of Michigan - Dearborn
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    5:00 PM – 6:15 PM ET
    “Against Medical Advice” Discharges: Disparities in Post-Discharge Care and Outcomes
    Location: Laurel CD (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: John H. Brems, MD,MBE ((he/him/his)) – Johns Hopkins University
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    5:00 PM – 6:15 PM ET
    An ethical approach to racial disparities in child abuse medicine
    Location: Laurel CD (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Joseph P. Shapiro, MD,HEC-C ((he/him/his)) – Boston Medical Center
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    5:00 PM – 6:15 PM ET
    Critically Evaluating the Medical Literature for Ethnocentrism, Racism, and Bias: A Skill Building Workshop
    Location: Falkland (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Jeffrey Berger, MD ((he/him/his)) – NYU-Long Island School of Medicine
    Presenter: Dana Ribeiro Miller, M.Div., L.C.S.W., APSHW-C (she/her/hers) – NYU Grossman Long Island School of Medicine
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    5:00 PM – 6:15 PM ET
    Moving from Disability Rights to Disability Justice: The Role of Bioethics in Imagining a More Inclusive and Accessible Future
    Location: Harborside Ballroom (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Kevin T. Mintz, PHD ((he/him/his)) – Stanford University
    Presenter: Kara Ayers, PhD ((she/her/hers)) – Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
    Presenter: Natalie Hardy, PhD(c) (she/her/hers) – Albert Gnaegi Center for Health Care Ethics, Saint Louis University
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Friday, Oct 13th
    5:00 PM – 6:15 PM ET
    The Theoretical Marginalization of Patients with Severe Mental Illnesses in Bioethical Discourse
    Location: Essex C (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Kriszta Sajber, PHD ((she/her/hers)) – University of Michigan - Dearborn
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    7:30 AM – 8:45 AM ET
    DEI in Clinical Ethics
    Location: Laurel AB (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Rachel Ingraham, BA – Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine
    Presenter: Elissa Larkin, MS, CCC-SLP ((she/her/hers)) – Shirley Ryan Abilitylab
    Presenter: Ryan J. Dougherty, PHD, MSW, HEC-C – Baylor College of Medicine
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    7:30 AM – 8:45 AM ET
    Diverse Lenses: Flash Session
    Location: Laurel CD (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Sana S. Baban, MBE ((she/her/hers)) – The Hastings Center
    Presenter: Corey Dennison, MA ((he/they)) – Duquesne University
    Presenter: Adelaida (Adele) Jasperse, JD, MBE – Capstone Faculty, Harvard Medical School Center For Bioethics
    Presenter: Camilia Kamoun, MD, MSME (she/her/hers) – University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Medicine
    Presenter: Kate Li, N/A ((she/her/hers)) – Case Western University
    Presenter: Emily May, BA, MS3 ((she/her/hers)) – University of Virginia
    Presenter: Pierce Randall, PHD,HEC-C (he/him/his) – Albany Medical College
    Presenter: Sibil A. Shibu, MBE ((she/her/hers)) – UAB Hospital
    Presenter: Pageen M. Small, HEC-C,MS,BSN,RN (she/her/hers) – Unity Point Meriter
    Presenter: Liza Nilson
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    7:30 AM – 8:45 AM ET
    Ethical Challenges in End-of-Life Care
    Location: Essex C (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Gina Piscitello, MD, MS, HEC-C – University of Pittsburgh
    Presenter: Erica Ronning, M.A. ((she/her/hers)) – Duquesne University
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    7:30 AM – 8:45 AM ET
    A Discursive analysis of Disabilities in relation to their etiologies
    Location: Laurel CD (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Corey Dennison, MA ((he/they)) – Duquesne University
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    7:30 AM – 8:45 AM ET
    Deliberative Democracy as a Valuable Approach in Bioethics
    Location: Laurel CD (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Adelaida (Adele) Jasperse, JD, MBE – Capstone Faculty, Harvard Medical School Center For Bioethics
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    7:30 AM – 8:45 AM ET
    Ethics Consultation with Patients with Locked-In Syndrome: Uplifting Patient Voice and Promoting Autonomy and Equity
    Location: Laurel AB (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Elissa Larkin, MS, CCC-SLP ((she/her/hers)) – Shirley Ryan Abilitylab
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    7:30 AM – 8:45 AM ET
    Ethics of using artificial intelligence to target serious illness conversations for patients with life-limiting illness
    Location: Essex C (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Gina Piscitello, MD, MS, HEC-C – University of Pittsburgh
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    7:30 AM – 8:45 AM ET
    Illustrating Representation: Diversity and Inclusion within MD Curriculum-based Medical Illustration
    Location: Laurel CD (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Emily May, BA, MS3 ((she/her/hers)) – University of Virginia
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    7:30 AM – 8:45 AM ET
    Is the Mediterranean Diet Ethnocentric? Embedded Autonomy and the Provisional Acceptance of Patients’ Goals in Health Messaging
    Location: Laurel CD (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Pierce Randall, PHD,HEC-C (he/him/his) – Albany Medical College
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    7:30 AM – 8:45 AM ET
    Moving from Inclusion to Belonging in an Ethics Committee
    Location: Laurel CD (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Pageen M. Small, HEC-C,MS,BSN,RN (she/her/hers) – Unity Point Meriter
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    7:30 AM – 8:45 AM ET
    Navigating the Bioethical Crossroads of Cancer Genetic Testing in Low-Resource Regions in Africa – What Do We Need to Consider?
    Location: Laurel CD (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Liza Nilson
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    7:30 AM – 8:45 AM ET
    No more guinea pigs: Ethical issues in the use of unproven interventions during public health emergencies
    Location: Falkland (Fourth Floor)
    Moderator: John Massarelli, BA ((he/him/his)) – NYU Division of Medical Ethics
    Presenter: Ali Moody
    Presenter: Lisa Kearns, MS, MA ((she/her/hers)) – NYU Grossman School of Medicine
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    7:30 AM – 8:45 AM ET
    Redefining Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide: Correcting the Self-Defeating Nature of Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act
    Location: Essex C (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Erica Ronning, M.A. ((she/her/hers)) – Duquesne University
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    7:30 AM – 8:45 AM ET
    The Case for Applying Principles of Universal Design to Prescription Drug Labeling
    Location: Laurel CD (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Kate Li, N/A ((she/her/hers)) – Case Western University
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    7:30 AM – 8:45 AM ET
    The Injustice and Moral Wrongs of Affective and Psychotic Disorders as Exclusion Criteria for Organ Transplant Candidates
    Location: Laurel CD (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Sana S. Baban, MBE ((she/her/hers)) – The Hastings Center
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    9:00 AM – 10:15 AM ET
    Developing Culturally-Sensitive Approaches to Patient Care
    Location: Kent A-C (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Nicholas V. Nguyen, BA (he/him/his) – Mayo Clinic
    Presenter: Kriszta Sajber, PHD ((she/her/hers)) – University of Michigan - Dearborn
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    9:00 AM – 10:15 AM ET
    Medical Trauma and Structural Racism
    Location: Bristol (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Emily Holmes, MD,MPH ((she/her/hers)) – Indiana University
    Presenter: Devora Shapiro, PHD ((she/her/hers)) – Ohio University, Heritage College of Medicine
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    9:00 AM – 10:15 AM ET
    Patient and family engagement in clinical research
    Location: Atlantic (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Stacey Pereira, PhD – Baylor College of Medicine
    Presenter: Eric C. Blackstone, MA (he/him/his) – Case Western Reserve University
    Presenter: Abdou S. Senghor, PhD ((he/him/his)) – University of Maryland Baltimore
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    9:00 AM – 10:15 AM ET
    Scrutinizing Involuntary Hospitalizations and Coercion in Mental Healthcare
    Location: Iron (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Missy M. Tepe ((she/they)) – PT Solutions
    Presenter: Nicholas A. Cepeda, BS ((he/him/his)) – Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    9:00 AM – 10:15 AM ET
    Addressing bioethical issues throughout the 10-Step Framework for Continuous Patient Engagement
    Location: Atlantic (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Abdou S. Senghor, PhD ((he/him/his)) – University of Maryland Baltimore
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    9:00 AM – 10:15 AM ET
    Ethical Considerations Surrounding Involuntary Hospitalization: Dissecting New York City's Involuntary Commitment Plan for Mental Health
    Location: Iron (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Nicholas A. Cepeda, BS ((he/him/his)) – Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    9:00 AM – 10:15 AM ET
    Fostering Patient Autonomy by Promoting Justice-focused Agency:Cultural Competence in Caring for Muslim Patients
    Location: Kent A-C (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Kriszta Sajber, PHD ((she/her/hers)) – University of Michigan - Dearborn
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    9:00 AM – 10:15 AM ET
    Medical Gaslighting as a Mechanism for Medical Trauma in the Context of Systemic Injustice: A Case Study and Proposal
    Location: Bristol (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Devora Shapiro, PHD ((she/her/hers)) – Ohio University, Heritage College of Medicine
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    9:00 AM – 10:15 AM ET
    Meeting the religious and spiritual needs of minority faith patients in Catholic hospitals: a pilot project
    Location: Kent A-C (Fourth Floor)
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    9:00 AM – 10:15 AM ET
    Non-traditional Community Collaboration for Clinical Ethicists: Engagement, Creativity, and Compassion
    Location: Laurel AB (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Bryanna Moore, PHD ((she/her/hers)) – University of Texas Medical Branch
    Presenter: Jada Wiggleton-little, PhD (she/her/hers) – Cleveland Clinic
    Presenter: Paul Ford, PhD – Cleveland Clinic
    Presenter: Olubukunola M. Dwyer, JD, MA, HEC-C (she/her/hers) – University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    9:00 AM – 10:15 AM ET
    Structural Racism in the Hospital: Against Medical Advice Discharge
    Location: Bristol (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Emily Holmes, MD,MPH ((she/her/hers)) – Indiana University
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    9:00 AM – 10:15 AM ET
    The Feminization of Frontal Lobotomies: A Critical Analysis of the Role of Gender and Queerness in the Lobotomy Era
    Location: Iron (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Missy M. Tepe ((she/they)) – PT Solutions
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    9:00 AM – 10:15 AM ET
    Using Community Engagement to Explore the Challenges for Spanish Speaking Patients Admitted to the Hospital with Complex Illnesses
    Location: Kent A-C (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Nicholas V. Nguyen, BA (he/him/his) – Mayo Clinic
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    10:30 AM – 11:45 AM ET
    Ethical Issues in Reproductive Health
    Location: Dover C (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Allison B. Wolf, PHD ((she/her/hers)) – Universidad de los Andes
    Presenter: Georgia Loutrianakis, MA ((she/her/hers)) – University of Texas Medical Branch
    Presenter: Sophia Fantus, PhD, MSW, HEC-C ((she/her/hers)) – University of Texas at Arlington
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    10:30 AM – 11:45 AM ET
    Meeting the Healthcare Needs of Trans and Nonbinary Patients
    Location: Essex C (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Elizabeth Dietz, PhD (they/them/theirs) – Arizona State University
    Presenter: Grayson Jackson, BA ((he/him/his)) – University of Texas Medical Branch
    Presenter: Sarah Roth, ScM, MA ((she/her, they/them)) – Johns Hopkins University
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    10:30 AM – 11:45 AM ET
    “You’re Drying Up”: Associating Women’s Sexual Problems with Menopause as a Manifestation of Gender Oppression
    Location: Dover C (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Allison B. Wolf, PHD ((she/her/hers)) – Universidad de los Andes
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    10:30 AM – 11:45 AM ET
    Beyond cis-gender women: Ethical considerations for expanding uterine transplantation
    Location: Iron (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Jeffrey Pannekoek, PhD (he/him/his) – Cleveland Clinic
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    10:30 AM – 11:45 AM ET
    Minding the Gap: The Unmet Needs of Elite Female Athletes' Reproductive Health
    Location: Dover C (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Georgia Loutrianakis, MA ((she/her/hers)) – University of Texas Medical Branch
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    10:30 AM – 11:45 AM ET
    'Multiple weights off my chest': Trans and Nonbinary Experiences of Hereditary Cancer Care
    Location: Essex C (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Sarah Roth, ScM, MA ((she/her, they/them)) – Johns Hopkins University
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    10:30 AM – 11:45 AM ET
    Race Based Concerns in Surgical Care: Historic Inequity, Distrust, and their Influence on Decision Making
    Location: Laurel AB (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Charles Binkley, MD,FACS, HEC-C – Hackensack Meridian Health
    Presenter: Ellen Robinson, RN, PhD, HEC-C, FAAN – Massachusetts General Hospital
    Presenter: Fred Romain, RRT, MDiv, DMin – Massachusetts General Hospital
    Moderator: Hannah Lipman, MD, MS, HEC-C – Hackensack Meridian Health
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    10:30 AM – 11:45 AM ET
    Reflecting on Dobbs v Jackson: Implications on Gestational Surrogacy Practices in the U.S.
    Location: Dover C (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Sophia Fantus, PhD, MSW, HEC-C ((she/her/hers)) – University of Texas at Arlington
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    10:30 AM – 11:45 AM ET
    The Rhetoric of Criminalization: Critical Discourse Analysis of Restrictive Legislation on Gender-Affirming Care
    Location: Essex C (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Grayson Jackson, BA ((he/him/his)) – University of Texas Medical Branch
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    10:30 AM – 11:45 AM ET
    Well-being and the possibility of being unwell: on the goals of trans medicine in troubled times
    Location: Essex C (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Elizabeth Dietz, PhD (they/them/theirs) – Arizona State University
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    1:15 PM – 2:30 PM ET
    Diversity and Inclusion in Medical Education
    Location: Heron (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Monique S. John, n/a ((she/her/hers)) – Albany Medical College
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    1:15 PM – 2:30 PM ET
    Ethical Issues in Reproductive and Fertility Care
    Location: Dover C (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Angela Wentz Faulconer, PhD (she/her/hers) – Brigham Young University
    Presenter: Kirsten Riggan, MA, MS – Mayo Clinic
    Presenter: Amy Wang (she/her/hers) – University of Texas Medical Branch
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    1:15 PM – 2:30 PM ET
    Strategies and Tools for Inclusive Healthcare and Health Research
    Location: Iron (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Elise E. Racine, MPA,MS,BA ((she/her/hers)) – University of Oxford
    Presenter: Susan Goold, MD, MHSA, MA – Center for Bioethics and Social Sciences in Medicine , Univeraity of Michigan Medical School
    Presenter: Erika Versalovic, PhC ((she/her/hers)) – University of Washington
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    1:15 PM – 2:30 PM ET
    “Do you even go here?”: An Exploratory Study on the Racial Microaggressions that Black Medical Students Experience
    Location: Heron (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Monique S. John, n/a ((she/her/hers)) – Albany Medical College
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    1:15 PM – 2:30 PM ET
    Advancing Equitable Healthcare Access and Delivery: Lessons Learned from a Novel Healthcare Equity Consult Service
    Location: Iron (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Susan Dorr Goold, MD,MA, MHSA – University of Michigan
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    1:15 PM – 2:30 PM ET
    Dismantling the Museum: Protest and Reimagining Public Spaces at a Medical Center
    Location: Dover AB (Third Floor)
    Moderator: Adrienne Morgan, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Rochester
    Presenter: Margie Shaw, PhD, JD, HEC-C – University of Rochester
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    1:15 PM – 2:30 PM ET
    Ethical Considerations and Patient Experiences with BMI Restrictions on Fertility Care
    Location: Dover C (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Kirsten Riggan, MA, MS – Mayo Clinic
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    1:15 PM – 2:30 PM ET
    How to Discuss the Non-Identity Problem
    Location: Dover C (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Angela Wentz Faulconer, PhD (she/her/hers) – Brigham Young University
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    1:15 PM – 2:30 PM ET
    “It creates a divide” : Minoritized students’ perceptions on the process of professional identity formation
    Location: Heron (Fourth Floor)
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    1:15 PM – 2:30 PM ET
    Quantifying Others, Quantifying Ourselves: What an Intersectional Ethical Critique of mHealth Applications Reveals About Constructing Inclusive Digital Tools and Discourses
    Location: Iron (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Elise E. Racine, MPA,MS,BA ((she/her/hers)) – University of Oxford
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    1:15 PM – 2:30 PM ET
    Relational Autonomy and Medical Decision Making
    Location: Essex AB (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Jennifer James, phD – University of California, San Francisco
    Presenter: Georgina Campelia, PhD, HEC-C – University of Washington
    Moderator: Laura Specker Sullivan, PhD – Fordham University
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    1:15 PM – 2:30 PM ET
    The language of reproduction: Analyzing the underlying values and societal shifts
    Location: Dover C (Third Floor)
    Presenter: Amy Wang (she/her/hers) – University of Texas Medical Branch
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Oct 14th
    1:15 PM – 2:30 PM ET
    The Right to be Recognized?: Strategies and Lessons for Participant Self-Determination of Anonymization Standards within Qualitative Research
    Location: Iron (Fourth Floor)
    Presenter: Erika Versalovic, PhC ((she/her/hers)) – University of Washington
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion